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Beautiful Chile Guest Book Thomas Photos Photo

This is the real PATAGONIA

Here are some photos of me and my land in Chile.

Click twice on each photo to see  FULL SIZE REALITY!


Two hours rowing into town

Did I mention camping ? and roughing it ?

Please donīt hesitate to contact me at


Sailing is a bit complicated here as the wind direction changes freequently between mountains

Top : high pressure water for turbine to generate electricity

Whatīs for lunch ?

Did I mention : Jungle ?

Collecting firewood for heat and cooking and baths

Catamaran is a dangerous toy....a bit like a wild horse

Japanese style bath , super hot

Salmon , we catch about 5 fish a day . more than I can eat

I make only WHOLE WHEAT BREAD , sometimes with raisins

If you come visit , please make plenty photos and films to add to You-tube

I just love chopping firewood , I find it more relaxing than a Japanese tea ceremony !

This is Madoka , she will answer questions when i am in the jungle. Below : Madoka using chainsaw ....she will try ANYTHING , she is a tough woman

Hawk , So many SO MANY kinds of birds , Humming birds , wood peckers , fishing birds that torpedo into the water , wild ducks , the list goes on .

Colors keep changing , every day is a new adventure !

Would you believe it HARDLY EVER snows ?

Ccolony of SEA LIONS


mussels in spanish : CHORITOS

WATER WHEEL to generate electricity or saw wood

fresh mussels and smoked mussels in jars ; in Spanish CHORITOS